
Berkeley 4th July review


Maybe its me, but it seems to be that the wettest day of the week lately is Sunday, well, the weather didnt let us down at Berkeley.

We were a little late getting started this week, mainly down to the lack of helpers in the morning, with Martin, the Chairman along with Jon, VC for South Cerney doing most of the cone layout its a wonder we didn’t start until 11am! I dont suppose I could ask anyone that lives locally to give us a bit of a hand setting up in the mornings at Berkeley, it’s not like its at every Berkeley event as sometimes it’s shared with pathfinder and it’s already done, but those cones dont get put out on their own. This isn’t a moan, just an ask. Thanks.

I should add a thanks to those of you that did help when you arrived, some from the other side of the country.

Pauline took over from Alan this week to organise the instruction, I think she did an excellent job, I am quite sure I would have made a mess of it on my first time in the job, thank you Pauline.

It was a packed day, I am guessing 60 members there so it did feel a little slow from time to time and the new grade 5s may well be suffering with a sore left leg after all that clutch control. Well done to Anna, James, Benjy, Cameron and David on reaching a higher grade this Sunday.

The Carrot cake made by Jessica and her mum was excellent thank you, those of us that managed to grab one loved it, whilst I am reviewing the food, the Chili and chips from the cafe didn’t disappoint and was just how I like it and for £4.00, I am not too sure how they do it so cheap.

Anyway, just before it started to tip down the call was made for shutdown ensuring everyone that was there to help out was drenched.

I hope everyone made it home safely.