
This content is only available to logged in members of the Under 17 Car Club.

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(Members, please note the membership year runs until the end of November so you will need to renew for continued access)

Member Manuals

Initial Manuals

To start with, both members and associates will need to read the “Members Manual”. You should familiarise yourself with the manual as a whole and be very aware of the section for the grade you are working towards.

You will need to print a copy of the “Members Grading & Progress Manual” and bring it with you to each meeting and special activity, so that instructors, and where appropriate event coordinators can sign off your progress. It contains the grading standard sheets for each grade up to grade 1 and highlights the pre-requisites and preliminary checks that need to be undertaken to advance through the club.

Grade 2 and above

Once you get to grade 2 and have completed the prerequisites you will be able to start on advanced-driving, so you’ll need to read the “Advanced Driving Manual”. You will also start working towards your grade 1. Progression towards grade 1 is included in the main “Members Grading & Progress Manual”. A senior instructor will let you know when you are ready to be put forward for your grade 1 test, which will be completed using the “Grade 1 Test Sheets”, which you’ll need to print and bring with you.

The select few members that reach grade 1 at least 18 months before they are due to leave the club will have the opportunity to go for their grade X. Grade X has been awarded to fewer than 60 members in 40 years of the club’s history. You will need to attend regularly and make the extra effort in all areas to become a very effective and safe driver in all aspects of your driving. You will also have to have a very mature attitude and patience with others and look to deliver consistently high standards. This is not an easy grade to achieve! But if it is for you, you’ll need to read, print and use the Grade X Manual to record progress towards the ultimate award for a club member.

Members ManualGuide for members and associates up to Grade 101/05/2014
Members Grading & Progress ManualTo record progress from ungraded to grade 114/02/2018
Advanced Driving ManualPreparation, techniques, and rules for advanced driving11/02/2022
Grade 1 Test SheetsTo record your performance in your grade 1 tests30/05/2014
Grade X ManualGuide for members and associates for grade X14/02/2014

Additional Documentation

All the documents below are highly recommended reading for members and associates, allowing them to further their knowledge and develop quicker and further in the club.

It’s worth noting that “Pre-start Checks & Cockpit Drill” are introduced early, and competence is expected to increase with each grade. “Driving Commentary” is introduced working towards grade 2.

Club Rules And ConstitutionOfficial rules of the club, roles, condition of attendence19/06/2018
Associate's ManualExtra information for associates19/06/2018
Gift Aid and Indemnity FormCombined Associates gift aid and indemnity form19/06/2018
Driving CommentaryAn introduction to commentary for higher grades and associates29/03/2013
Instructor ManualClub's philosophy and approach to driving enjoyment10/03/2014
Pre-start Checks / Cockpit DrillWhat you should do even before you start driving01/02/2008
Trailer ManualLearn more about driving and reversing with a trailer on the back05/10/2017
What, Why, When?Breaks down a variety of manoeuvres and activities on the road using the "Prepare, Observe, Move" method04/03/2007
Operations guideAn insight into what it takes to run the club12/02/2022
Preparing for your Driving TestPrepared by Jo Ellis & Andy Stagg31/01/2021
Skills Test marking and rulesIain explains how Skills Test is marked26/10/2021