
Car Club COVID requirements 2022

The Under 17 Car Club has risk assessed our activities and worked hard to put appropriate precautions in place. We have produced the below requirements to ensure everyone can enjoy their driving experience whilst being mindful of the virus risk.

It is essential that you read and act on this information

Please do not attend Car Club if you or your student:

  • Show any symptoms of coronavirus
  • Have tested positive using a Lateral Flow or from a PCR test and remain within the stipulated isolation period.
  • Are waiting for a coronavirus test result (symptomatic test)
  • Have been notified to self-isolate through contact tracing and are required to do so
  • Live with someone who has symptoms, is waiting for a test result, has tested positive or who has been advised to self-isolate and in accordance with guidance you would be required to self-isolate as a result

If whilst at a Car Club event you develop symptoms associated with Covid please notify a Club official immediately and return to your vehicle. We will assess any requirement for immediate aid, and then ensure there is an appropriate response.

We encourage all participants to take a Lateral Flow Test immediately prior to attendance at events.

You must bring:

  1. Sufficient face covering/masks for members and associates
  2. Hand sanitiser

Mask, surface wipe, sanitiser

There is a continued risk of virus transmission, and as a result Car Club and Pathfinder wish to reduce that risk wherever possible. Close contact with others increases risk, and so in settings during Car Club and Pathfinder events where this is likely, we encourage the continued use of masks. Unless medically exempt, please show respect for the wellbeing of others by wearing masks as outlined here.

When in briefings we ask you to practice social distancing. When briefings happen indoors, we encourage the wearing of masks unless you are seated to eat or drink. Masks should be worn when using toilet facilities.

You do not need to wear masks when by yourselves in your own car.

We encourage the wearing of masks when you are in a vehicle with someone from outside your own environment.

For your and their protection, instructors joining you in your car will use a mask, and we ask that you do likewise.

If a vehicle is shared between different drivers, we encourage you to make sure that surfaces are wiped down between each use.

Car Club will provide surface wipes for this purpose.

Hand hygiene remains important. We will provide soap and sanitiser for use after using the toilets and around the kitchen area, but request you bring sufficient hand sanitiser for your own use whilst you move around the venue.